
Simple Solutions for Complex Problems...
About Us

Software Development

As an ICT services player in Zimbabwe we have decided to go beyond the normal services offered by our peers, by creating an active in-house development department which aims to develop tailor made products for our prospective clients.

ICT consultancy services

For those clients who are planning to explore the use of IT services, or those who already do but are looking for newer and more efficient products, we also offer consultancy services that are relevant and useful, for any of their desired
future ICT use direction.

ICT support services

In this sector, the products are always changing for the better, for those clients that we would have provided the above mentioned services, we hope to continue our relationship with them. This will entail us offering support services, which span from updates, to queries, and help desk solutions.

Human Capital Re-training

Although ICT is meant to make business practices better, they are not meant to replace the existing personnel in the prospective clients company, therefore as an entity we find it necessary to offer HR retraining programs. These will help make the staff accept the new IT systems and make sure they are knowledgeable enough to use the new system.

Our Vision

To be the largest regional ICT services provider in innovative solutions streamlined and tailor made to suit customers' business goals.

Our Mission
  • Explore opportunities that exist in the African ICT sector.
  • Offer efficient and company specific solutions to clients.
  • Give relevant and useful consultancy services.
  • Offer the best support service available in the target market.
  • Ensure customer satisfaction from all the services we offer.

Our Values
  • Values
  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Fairness
  • Accountability
  • Reliability
  • Diligence

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Contact Details

Nanoplex Business Solutions (Pvt) LTD
512 Mazoe Mansions
Tel: +263 88644106525
